Home / News Latest News News, articles and press, if you are interested in all things energy. News category filter Select Water Gas Electricity Industry news Company news Net zero, renewables & carbon neutrality Our people Infrastructure Energy crisis Energy advice Our services Or Article search... Search Tuesday, 19th January 2021 Energy demand and supply in 2021 During 2020, with the move to home working, we saw a significant increase in home energy usage, countered by a big reduction in the commercial... #Industry news Wednesday, 4th November 2020 TCR - what does it mean for business energy? It has come to our attention that there are several energy brokers out there who are suggesting the Targeted Charging Review (TCR) will lead to... #Energy advice Wednesday, 4th November 2020 Net zero and manufacturing UK manufacturing accounts for approximately 60% of carbon emissions and, with this in mind, many large manufacturers are committing to net zero targets and looking... #Industry news #Net zero, renewables & carbon neutrality Thursday, 22nd October 2020 Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme On 30th September, the Government announced £1 billion worth of funding in a bid to stimulate innovation, create green jobs and address the climate challenge... #Industry news #Net zero, renewables & carbon neutrality Monday, 5th October 2020 Carbon offsetting As businesses look to be more sustainable and head towards being carbon neutral or even carbon negative, we thought we would investigate carbon offsetting: what... #Net zero, renewables & carbon neutrality #Energy advice Thursday, 17th September 2020 Open letter to Ofgem On the 2nd September, our Managing Director, Phil Ager wrote an open letter to Ofgem and Jonathan Brearley expressing concern with the general lack of... #Company news Monday, 14th September 2020 Finalist: Investors in People Small Business Award We are delighted to have been shortlisted for the Small Business Award #Company news Tuesday, 8th September 2020 Greenwashing Greenwashing is a term we are hearing more and more, but what does it mean and what examples are there within the energy industry? #Net zero, renewables & carbon neutrality #Energy advice Monday, 10th August 2020 Visit our stand at UK industry’s first virtual expo 30+ Events. 200+ Exhibitors. 5000+ Expected Visitors. 1 Goal: Backing British Industry. Beginning August 17th, Backing Britain Live 2020 is a two-week business festival run... #Company news You are on page 14 of 18 Previous page Go to page12 Go to page13 You are on14 Go to page15 Go to page16 Next page
Tuesday, 19th January 2021 Energy demand and supply in 2021 During 2020, with the move to home working, we saw a significant increase in home energy usage, countered by a big reduction in the commercial... #Industry news
Wednesday, 4th November 2020 TCR - what does it mean for business energy? It has come to our attention that there are several energy brokers out there who are suggesting the Targeted Charging Review (TCR) will lead to... #Energy advice
Wednesday, 4th November 2020 Net zero and manufacturing UK manufacturing accounts for approximately 60% of carbon emissions and, with this in mind, many large manufacturers are committing to net zero targets and looking... #Industry news #Net zero, renewables & carbon neutrality
Thursday, 22nd October 2020 Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme On 30th September, the Government announced £1 billion worth of funding in a bid to stimulate innovation, create green jobs and address the climate challenge... #Industry news #Net zero, renewables & carbon neutrality
Monday, 5th October 2020 Carbon offsetting As businesses look to be more sustainable and head towards being carbon neutral or even carbon negative, we thought we would investigate carbon offsetting: what... #Net zero, renewables & carbon neutrality #Energy advice
Thursday, 17th September 2020 Open letter to Ofgem On the 2nd September, our Managing Director, Phil Ager wrote an open letter to Ofgem and Jonathan Brearley expressing concern with the general lack of... #Company news
Monday, 14th September 2020 Finalist: Investors in People Small Business Award We are delighted to have been shortlisted for the Small Business Award #Company news
Tuesday, 8th September 2020 Greenwashing Greenwashing is a term we are hearing more and more, but what does it mean and what examples are there within the energy industry? #Net zero, renewables & carbon neutrality #Energy advice
Monday, 10th August 2020 Visit our stand at UK industry’s first virtual expo 30+ Events. 200+ Exhibitors. 5000+ Expected Visitors. 1 Goal: Backing British Industry. Beginning August 17th, Backing Britain Live 2020 is a two-week business festival run... #Company news