Saving businesses money for over 40 years
We’ve been in the energy business since 1981 and this means we have longstanding relationships with all the major energy suppliers. These include suppliers that are breaking new ground and offering 100% renewable energy products.
Take a look at our timeline
With a distinguished track record in the industry, we also have the shared knowledge that comes from learning constantly from change.
Our role is to get to know our clients well so we can understand them and the factors that impact on their business combined with their utility needs.

Silver Investors in People accreditation
Partnership, Ownership and Agility
Launch of new values across the business

Partnership with Women With Metals

Partnership with the Association of Industrial Laser Users (AILU)
Expansion into additional office space in Redhill
Due to ongoing expansion, this gives the team more desks, meeting rooms and a large breakout area

Patrick Shuker appointed Chief Technology Officer

Headline sponsors of the annual Surface Engineering Association Awards and Gala Dinner

Nick Heng appointed Head of Flex Procurement and Risk Management

Mike Stafford appointed Flex Procurement and Risk Manager
Exception Reporting Module introduced to client portal
Offering clients Day+1 alerts on overspend

Lisa Winstanley appointed Head of Marketing

Gareth Furlong (formerly MD of ECS) appointed Technical Director

Adriano Zucchelli appointed Client Relationship Director

Strategic Merger with Energy Connection services (ECS)
Account Management and Market Analyst Teams merged
Forming a new Client Relationship Management Team giving every customer a single point of contact

Steve Brown appointed Head of Key Client Accounts

Cory Winstanley appointed HR Director

Collaboration with Auditel to enhance our Carbon Services offering
Official sponsors of the Environmental Culture Award in the 2022 Gatwick Diamond Business Awards

Phil Ager celebrated 25 years with the business

Shortlisted for Business of the year over £1M in the 2022 Gatwick Diamond Business Awards
Shortlisted for Most Trusted Consultancy in the 2021 TELCA Awards
Further investment agreed to enhance client portal and introduce an exception reporting module

Appointed as sole Commercial Energy Partner for Made in Group and launched Made In Group Energy Club
Celebrated our 40th Anniversary as a business
Embarked on major IT upgrade of CRM systems
Launched Net Zero Club
Launched Carbon Offset service
Shortlisted for Investors in People award

Became official sponsors of Crawley Open House

Gained Investors in People accreditation

Iain Daniels appointed Head of Administration
Re-defined Forensic Cost Recovery service (FCR)
Re-branded and re-defined core services

Adriano Zucchelli appointed Head of Client Management

Engaged the services of a marketing partner
Embarked on major growth plan

Launched upgraded client portal (CECIL)
Internal restructure
This was to facilitate more efficient client management, with all clients now having two named contacts

Appointed as sole Commercial Energy Partner for Made in Yorkshire

Appointed as sole Commercial Energy Partner for the Black Country Chamber of Commerce
Launched Wholesale Market Access product
Relocated to new offices in Redhill
Client portal launched

Became members of CBM, the Confederation of British Metalforming
Water market in England opened to competition
Allowing CEC to ensure businesses took full advantage of the de-regulated market

Appointed as sole Commercial Energy Partner for Made in the Midlands
Work commences on a major refurbishment of Tollers Farm offices

Phil Ager appointed Managing Director

Completed MBO from previous owners

Daniel Oman appointed Director

Chris Ellis appointed Director
In-house client CRM (CECIL) launched
Water market in Scotland opened to competition
Allowing CEC to review water contract options in a de-regulated market

Phil Ager appointed Director
Energy market opened to full competition
Allowing CEC to ensure all businesses took full advantage of the de-regulated market
Second stage opening of a de-regulated energy market in the UK
Extending the option of bespoke contract terms to medium sized business consumers
First stage opening of a de-regulated energy market in the UK
CEC was amongst the first consultancies to negotiate bespoke contact terms for large business customers
Relocated to Tollers Farm
Royal Alfred Seafarers Society signed as a client
They are our longest standing client and are still with us today!
Business set-up in a small office in Streatham