Energy Intensive Industries (EII) exemption
The Government’s low carbon targets have resulted in an increase in the retail price of electricity meaning that energy intensive industries are faced with a possible financial disadvantage when competing in overseas markets.
In recognition of this, the Government has introduced a scheme to assist Energy Intensive Industries (EII’s) where they may be exempt from up to 85% of the cost of Contract for Difference (CfD), Renewable Obligation (RO) and Small-Scale Feed in Tariff (FiT).
There is a two-step qualification process:
1) A Sector Level Test - a list of eligible sectors which can be found here
2) A Business Level Test - in order to meet the criteria a business must pass a 20% electricity intensity test
How can Control Energy Costs help?
Our CEC Solutions team will review EII qualification and options as part of the working arrangement with all our clients. If there is an opportunity to secure a reduction in costs, we will let you know.
If you would like us to review EII qualification for your business, please get in touch. We would be delighted to help.