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Net Zero Week 2022

We are welcoming Net Zero Week this July. The UK’s national awareness week started on Saturday 2nd of July and will end on the 8th of July.

For many businesses, looking at how you buy and use energy is the starting point on a journey to becoming Net Zero. As a business, our aim is to help push towards a tipping point where Net Zero becomes a ‘must do’ rather than ‘nice to do’ for every business.

Phil Ager

Managing Director, Control Energy Costs

The net zero journey never really ends. It should be a continuous effort for all people, companies and businesses to be on a journey towards achieving net zero. It all starts with us and ultimately leads to the greater good for the planet and the environment.

What is net zero?

Net zero refers to the balance between the volume of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. This balance – or net zero – will happen when the amount of carbon we add to the atmosphere is no more than the amount removed.

Why is net zero important?

Net zero is important because it is the best way to tackle climate change by reducing global warming. Achieving a net-zero or close to net zero target is necessary to arrest global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius. Net-zero means a fundamental change across the entire economy, decreasing the usage of fossil fuels and other sources of emissions wherever possible.

How do we achieve net zero?

To reach net zero, emissions from agriculture, transport, homes, and industry will need to be cut. These sectors will have to reduce the amount of carbon they put into the atmosphere.

When do we need to achieve net zero?

The year 2050 is seen as the first realistic date for net zero emissions to be achieved, balancing the urgent need to take action with the inevitable impact on the economy.

Steps to achieve net zero

Achieving net zero requires coordinated action touching on many parts of the organisation. What may seem overwhelming can be broken down into strategic and controllable pathways for transformation that starts with analytics, moves on to creating solutions, and ends in implementing change. Achieving net zero requires more investment and buy in from all areas of a business and thought needs to go into creative ways to achieve it.

The UK set a target to achieve net zero by 2050, which is looking increasingly over-ambitious unless businesses act immediately.