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Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)

The Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme is a mandatory requirement for all large enterprises in the UK. The scheme requires a survey and audit of energy usage, and reporting of energy data for buildings, transport, and industrial processes over a 12-month period. All surveys have to be undertaken by a qualified Lead Assessor.

Who will the scheme affect?

Any business with over 250 employees. An employee is defined as a person employed under contracts of service. Their contracted hours and status, whether full or part time, are irrelevant to their classification as an employee. If you have less than 250 employees but your annual turnover is more than £39,000,000 and your balance sheet is in excess of £33,500,000 then you will also qualify. If you do not directly meet these criteria but you are part of a group, then you may still be required to take part in the scheme. If any business within the group qualifies, then every company within that group will also qualify

How can Control Energy Costs help?

We ensured compliance for over 40 large companies under Phase 1 so are well placed to assist any business with Phase 2

When will I need to act?

Now. You have until 5th December 2019 to comply. This might seem a long way off but the process can be lengthy, so an immediate start is vital.

Are there exemptions?

No. However, ISO50001 is deemed an equivalent reporting method so would obviate any ESOS submission.

What are the sanctions for non-compliance?

A hefty fine including name and shame. The financial penalty can be up to £50,000 with an additional £500 per day.

The point of ESOS

ESOS is not meant to tax industry but to help businesses become more energy-efficient and energy-aware. The overall aim is to reduce consumption and therefore carbon emissions, your Lead Assessor’s report will identify potential cost-saving measures and how to implement them. Taking action on the results of the audit is not compulsory.